Full-stack developer Emerson Rocha .::. CMS Joomla!, PHP, JavaScript/NodeJS, Infraestrutura

Repasso adiante que um membro do grupo Transparência Hacker, o Sam Carecho, conforme esse anuncio http://groups.google.com/group/thackday/browse_thread/thread/fb0982d91f55a0fe?hl=pt-BR, está reunindo pessoal para um grupo de estudos usando o material do "MIT 6.00 Course - Introduction to Computer Science Using Pyhton".

Copio, na integra, o anunciado:

Hello Fellows,

I'm putting together a study group for the MIT 6.00 Course - Introduction to Computer Science Using Pyhton (Yes, the MIT is using Python).
All content needed to succeed on this course is free and open. Everyone is welcome to join the group and participate/help.
There's only one prerequisite, a good understanding of written and spoken English. No prior programming experience or math skills are required.

  • The course takes around 12 weeks (3 months) to complete and should occupy around 5h of your free time per week.
  • Among other subjects, the course will approach:
  • Data Types, Operators, and Variables
  • Branching, Conditionals, and Iteration
  • Common Code Patterns: Iterative Programs
  • Abstraction through Functions; Introduction to Recursion
  • Lists and Mutability, Dictionaries, Introduction to Efficiency
  • Binary Search, Bubble and Selection Sorts
  • Divide and Conquer Methods, Merge Sort, Exceptions
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Introduction to Object-oriented Programming
  • Abstract Data Types, Classes and Methods
  • Normal, Uniform, and Exponential Distributions

MIT's 6.00 is an exceptional course that will help you learn and or remember cool computer science concepts.

EVERYONE is welcome and once again there's no prerequisites aside of a good understanding of written and spoken English.

I'm aiming at a highly collaborative environment for the study group where everything will be shared with all the participants.

Do you fell that the world should be more collaborative?
Did you ever wanted to know what the hell Python is and how to write programs using it?
Do you feel a itch every time you see a cool software and wishes to know how it was made?
Did you ever got a hard time following the reasoning of your nuts crazy Web Developer?
Do you treat your computer as a pet and even take it to a walk every day?

If you answered YES to at least 2 of the above questions this course is for you.

Please, register for the study group here:

Sam Carecho (Digiwise)

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